Sunday 16 September 2012

Album Cover - Belle and Sebastian - If you're feeling sinister

This album was released in November of 1996 by a band called Belle and Sebastian who produce very soft acoustic indie music. The cover of this really works with the feel of the music on this album, as its relaxing and comforting with mildly disturbing lyrics. The photo on this cover art is of a young girl looking really bored, which is what most of the album is about, being young and bored and trying to find things to do, learning about people. It's quite an influencial album for young adults as the songs are almost educational, about life, being young, and all the ups and downs that come with it. There's also a copy of 'The Trial' next to the girl, which is a depressing and complex play written by Franz Kafka in the early 1900's, and is often studied in later years of high school or college. This also relates to the educational lyrics in the majority of songs on this album. The red filter on the photograph gives the photo a evil/sinister feel which also connects to the name of the album 'If You're Feeling Sinister'.

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